Forumonderwerp · 1109514
Knoeit een mysterieus deeltje met de halfwaardetijd van C14?
Een mysterieus deeltje van de zon knoeit mogelijk met de vervaltijd van koolstof-14. De halfwaardetijd van dit element fluctueert. Dit is slecht nieuws voor de wetenschap, want C14-datering is een methode die vaak wordt gebruikt door wetenschappers om materialen tot circa 60.000 jaar oud in een bepaalde tijdsperiode te plaatsen.

De halveringstijd van koolstof-14 is 5736 jaar. Oftewel: na 5736 jaar is de helft van alle instabiele koolstof-14 verdwenen. Na twee keer 5736 jaar is nog maar een vierde over. Na 57.360 jaar is 99,9% van koolstof-14 verdwenen.

Toch verandert de halveringstijd per seizoen. In de zomer ligt de halveringstijd iets lager dan in de winter. Hoe komt dit? Wetenschappers denken dat een mysterieus deeltje verantwoordelijk is voor de wisselende halveringstijd. Mogelijk gaat het om zonneneutrino’s, die door de aarde reizen en de halveringstijd van koolstof-14 beïnvloedt.

Waarom heeft de zon er iets mee te maken? De wetenschappers zagen een patroon van 33 dagen in de halveringstijd van koolstof-14. Toevallig doet de kern van de zon er 33 dagen over om een rondje om zijn as te draaien. Is er sprake van een verband?

Neutrino’s, die ontstaan door nucleaire processen in de kern van de zon, zijn spookdeeltjes. Ze reizen door de aarde, zonder dat wij dit merken. Maar stel dat neutrino’s niet verantwoordelijk zijn, wie of wat speelt er dan met de halfwaardetijd van koolstof-14? Voorlopig blijft dit een onopgelost mysterie.

The strange case of solar flares and radioactive elements

When researchers found an unusual linkage between solar flares and the inner life of radioactive elements on Earth, it touched off a scientific detective investigation that could end up protecting the lives of space-walking astronauts and maybe rewriting some of the assumptions of physics.

Peter Sturrock, professor emeritus of applied physics


It's a mystery that presented itself unexpectedly: The radioactive decay of some elements sitting quietly in laboratories on Earth seemed to be influenced by activities inside the sun, 93 million miles away.

Is this possible?

Researchers from Stanford and Purdue University believe it is. But their explanation of how it happens opens the door to yet another mystery.

There is even an outside chance that this unexpected effect is brought about by a previously unknown particle emitted by the sun. "That would be truly remarkable," said Peter Sturrock, Stanford professor emeritus of applied physics and an expert on the inner workings of the sun.

The story begins, in a sense, in classrooms around the world, where students are taught that the rate of decay of a specific radioactive material is a constant. This concept is relied upon, for example, when anthropologists use carbon-14 to date ancient artifacts and when doctors determine the proper dose of radioactivity to treat a cancer patient.

Random numbers

But that assumption was challenged in an unexpected way by a group of researchers from Purdue University who at the time were more interested in random numbers than nuclear decay. (Scientists use long strings of random numbers for a variety of calculations, but they are difficult to produce, since the process used to produce the numbers has an influence on the outcome.)

Ephraim Fischbach, a physics professor at Purdue, was looking into the rate of radioactive decay of several isotopes as a possible source of random numbers generated without any human input. (A lump of radioactive cesium-137, for example, may decay at a steady rate overall, but individual atoms within the lump will decay in an unpredictable, random pattern. Thus the timing of the random ticks of a Geiger counter placed near the cesium might be used to generate random numbers.)

As the researchers pored through published data on specific isotopes, they found disagreement in the measured decay rates – odd for supposed physical constants.

Checking data collected at Brookhaven National Laboratory on Long Island and the Federal Physical and Technical Institute in Germany, they came across something even more surprising: long-term observation of the decay rate of silicon-32 and radium-226 seemed to show a small seasonal variation. The decay rate was ever so slightly faster in winter than in summer.

Was this fluctuation real, or was it merely a glitch in the equipment used to measure the decay, induced by the change of seasons, with the accompanying changes in temperature and humidity?

"Everyone thought it must be due to experimental mistakes, because we're all brought up to believe that decay rates are constant," Sturrock said.

The sun speaks

On Dec 13, 2006, the sun itself provided a crucial clue, when a solar flare sent a stream of particles and radiation toward Earth. Purdue nuclear engineer Jere Jenkins, while measuring the decay rate of manganese-54, a short-lived isotope used in medical diagnostics, noticed that the rate dropped slightly during the flare, a decrease that started about a day and a half before the flare.

If this apparent relationship between flares and decay rates proves true, it could lead to a method of predicting solar flares prior to their occurrence, which could help prevent damage to satellites and electric grids, as well as save the lives of astronauts in space.

The decay-rate aberrations that Jenkins noticed occurred during the middle of the night in Indiana – meaning that something produced by the sun had traveled all the way through the Earth to reach Jenkins' detectors. What could the flare send forth that could have such an effect?

Jenkins and Fischbach guessed that the culprits in this bit of decay-rate mischief were probably solar neutrinos, the almost weightless particles famous for flying at almost the speed of light through the physical world – humans, rocks, oceans or planets – with virtually no interaction with anything.

Then, in a series of papers published in Astroparticle Physics, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research and Space Science Reviews, Jenkins, Fischbach and their colleagues showed that the observed variations in decay rates were highly unlikely to have come from environmental influences on the detection systems.

Reason for suspicion

Their findings strengthened the argument that the strange swings in decay rates were caused by neutrinos from the sun. The swings seemed to be in synch with the Earth's elliptical orbit, with the decay rates oscillating as the Earth came closer to the sun (where it would be exposed to more neutrinos) and then moving away.

So there was good reason to suspect the sun, but could it be proved?

Enter Peter Sturrock, Stanford professor emeritus of applied physics and an expert on the inner workings of the sun. While on a visit to the National Solar Observatory in Arizona, Sturrock was handed copies of the scientific journal articles written by the Purdue researchers.

Sturrock knew from long experience that the intensity of the barrage of neutrinos the sun continuously sends racing toward Earth varies on a regular basis as the sun itself revolves and shows a different face, like a slower version of the revolving light on a police car. His advice to Purdue: Look for evidence that the changes in radioactive decay on Earth vary with the rotation of the sun. "That's what I suggested. And that's what we have done."

A surprise

Going back to take another look at the decay data from the Brookhaven lab, the researchers found a recurring pattern of 33 days. It was a bit of a surprise, given that most solar observations show a pattern of about 28 days – the rotation rate of the surface of the sun.

The explanation? The core of the sun – where nuclear reactions produce neutrinos – apparently spins more slowly than the surface we see. "It may seem counter-intuitive, but it looks as if the core rotates more slowly than the rest of the sun," Sturrock said.

All of the evidence points toward a conclusion that the sun is "communicating" with radioactive isotopes on Earth, said Fischbach.

But there's one rather large question left unanswered. No one knows how neutrinos could interact with radioactive materials to change their rate of decay.

"It doesn't make sense according to conventional ideas," Fischbach said. Jenkins whimsically added, "What we're suggesting is that something that doesn't really interact with anything is changing something that can't be changed."

"It's an effect that no one yet understands," agreed Sturrock. "Theorists are starting to say, 'What's going on?' But that's what the evidence points to. It's a challenge for the physicists and a challenge for the solar people too."

If the mystery particle is not a neutrino, "It would have to be something we don't know about, an unknown particle that is also emitted by the sun and has this effect, and that would be even more remarkable," Sturrock said.

Chantal Jolagh, a science-writing intern at the Stanford News Service, contributed to this story.
Stanford Report


Wetenschappers zijn wereldwijd druk bezig e-mails over en weer te sturen naar collega’s in een poging om te bevatten wat er precies met de Zon gebeurt.

Sinds een paar maanden wordt langzaam duidelijk dat diep in de kern van onze ster een nooit eerder ontdekt soort deeltje, of een mysterieuze kracht, richting de Aarde wordt geslingerd.

Vreemd en onbekend

Iets onmogelijks is gebeurd. Het ‘onmogelijke’ blijkt echter waar te zijn. Laboratoria over de gehele wereld hebben nu bevestigd dat de mate van radioactief verval, eens vastgesteld als een constante, niet meer constant is.

Er komt iets uit de Zon wat op een vreemde en onbekende manier interacteert met de materie op Aarde en het heeft een verbazingwekkend potentieel om de Aarde in haar geheel te veranderen.

Lange tijd is de C14-datering gebruikt om het natuurlijke verval van deeltjes te voorspellen. Op deze wijze worden bijvoorbeeld archeologische artefacten gedateerd. Door observatie hebben natuurkundigen vastgesteld dat het 5.730 jaar duurt voordat koolstof-14 atomen uiteenvallen in stabiele stikstof-14 atomen.

De waarden zijn nooit veranderd in het verleden, maar het bewijs dat de mate van radioactief verval kan worden beïnvloed door de Zon heeft de wetenschap op z’n kop gezet.

Mate van verval versnelt

Wanneer de mate van verval wordt gemuteerd beïnvloedt dit alle materie op Aarde, inclusief de materie waar het leven uit bestaat. De mutatie kan dusdanig ver gaan dat de onderliggende realiteit van het kwantum universum wordt veranderd en daarmee het leven, de natuurkundige wetten en bovenal mogelijk het begrip tijd.

Door gedetailleerde observatie van de mate van verval is geconstateerd dat tijd terdege wordt beïnvloed. Wanneer materie wordt beïnvloed door een nieuwe natuurkracht kan dit betekenen dat de tijd zal versnellen. Dit proces kan niet worden teruggedraaid.

De Zon spreekt

Op 13 december 2006 gaf de Zon een mogelijke hint. Een zonnevlam stuurde een stroom deeltjes richting de Aarde. Jere Jenkins van de Universiteit van Purdue zag tot zijn verbazing dat de mate van verval van mangaan-54 vlak voor en tijdens de zonnevlam plots iets veranderde.


the Sun, C14, the cycle and God particle.

Lets start with C14.

Carbon Dating - What Is It And How Does It Work?
This is how carbon dating works: Carbon is a naturally abundant element found in the atmosphere, in the earth, in the oceans, and in every living creature. C-12 is by far the most common isotope, while only about one in a trillion carbon atoms is C-14. C-14 is produced in the upper atmosphere when nitrogen-14 (N-14) is altered through the effects of cosmic radiation bombardment (a proton is displaced by a neutron effectively changing the nitrogen atom into a carbon isotope). The new isotope is called “radiocarbon” because it is radioactive, though it is not dangerous. It is naturally unstable and so it will spontaneously decay back into N-14 after a period of time. It takes 5760 years for half of a sample of radiocarbon to decay back into nitrogen. It takes another 5760 for half of the remainder to decay, and then another 5760 for half of what’s left then to decay and so on. The period of time that it takes for half of a sample to decay is called a “half-life.”

Radiocarbon oxidises (that is, it combines with oxygen) and enters the biosphere through natural processes like breathing and eating. Plants and animals naturally incorporate both the abundant C-12 isotope and the much rarer radiocarbon isotope into their tissues in about the same proportions as the two occur in the atmosphere during their lifetimes. When a creature dies, it ceases to consume more radiocarbon while the C-14 already in its body continues to decay back into nitrogen. So, if we find the remains of a dead creature whose C-12 to C-14 ratio is half of what it’s supposed to be (that is, one C-14 atom for every two trillion C-12 atoms instead of one in every trillion) we can assume the creature has been dead for about 5760 years (since half of the radiocarbon is missing, it takes about 5760 years for half of it to decay back into nitrogen). If the ratio is a quarter of what it should be (one in every four trillion) we can assume the creature has been dead for 11520 years (two half-lives). After about 10 half-lives, the amount of radiocarbon left becomes too minuscule to measure and so this technique isn’t useful for dating specimens which died more than 60 000 years ago. Another limitation is that this technique can only be applied to organic material such as bone, flesh, or wood. It can’t be used to date rocks directly.

Carbon Dating - The Premise

Carbon dating is a dating technique predicated upon three things:
The rate at which the unstable radioactive C-14 isotope decays into the stable non-radioactive N-14 isotope.
The ratio of C-12 to C-14 found in a given specimen.
And the ratio C-12 to C-14 found in the atmosphere at the time of the specimen’s death.

Carbon Dating - The Controversy

Carbon dating is controversial for a couple of reasons. First of all, it is predicated upon a set of questionable assumptions. We have to assume, for example, that the rate of decay (that is 5760 year half-life) has remained constant throughout the unobservable past. However, there is strong evidence which suggests that radioactive decay may have been greatly accelerated in the unobservable past. We must also assume that the ratio of C-12 to C-14 in the atmosphere has remained constant throughout the unobservable past (so we can know what the ratio was at the time of the specimen’s death). And yet we know that “radiocarbon is forming 28-37% faster than it is decaying” which means it hasn’t yet reached equilibrium, which means the ratio is higher today than it was in the unobservable past. We also know that the ratio decreased during the industrial revolution due to the dramatic increase of CO2 produced by factories. This man-made fluctuation wasn’t a natural occurrence, but it demonstrates the fact that fluctuation is possible and that a period of natural upheaval upon the earth could greatly affect the ratio. Volcanoes spew out CO2 which could just as effectively decrease the ratio. Specimens which lived and died during a period of intense volcanism would appear older than they really are if they were dated using this technique. The ratio can further be affected by C-14 production rates in the atmosphere, which in turn is affected by the amount of cosmic rays penetrating the earth atmosphere. The amount of cosmic rays penetrating the earth atmosphere is itself affected by things like the earth’s magnetic field which deflects cosmic rays. Precise measurements taken over the last 140 years have shown a steady decay in the strength of the earth’s magnetic field. This means there’s been a steady increase in radiocarbon production (which would increase the ratio). Scientists from Stanford and Purdue university have discovered that the speed by which radioactive material decay is changing, but the explanation they have is even stranger then the change itself. The sun spits out an unknown particle which influences the rate of decay, our schoolbooks tell us that it is one of natures constants. It turns out that the speed by which radio isotopes decay is not constant at all and even changes with the seasons. That is the reason why they suspect that the cause is the sun. They noticed that the decay varies over a period of 33 days, a period equal to the time in which the centre of the sun makes a rotation.

Rock strata is looked at to find radio active particles such as uranium. When it decays it turns into non-radioactive lead. So they looked at the amount of lead knowing the decay rate gives them an idea of the time/ age of the rock. That is the theory. In truth there are 3 assumptions, 1; all lead was uranium, but there is no reason not to assume that some lead was already in the rock when it was formed. This would mean that the rock is younger then suspected. Uranium also dissolves in water, uranium salts. For instance, a major flood would cause the calculated age to be far to high. Less then 200 years ago a volcanic eruption happen on Hawaii. The lava ended up being under water. Dating was done by the kalium argon method and they expected the age to be 200 years. The test result showed it to be 22 million years. The kalium salts leaked away into the water and made it looked to be much older then it really was.
During sun spots these rates change as well. So how old is the earth? Another that alters the rate is the reversal of the earth magnetic field. Those of you who are interested in free energy should pay close attention. The principles at work here are the same and can be use for instance, in the work of all those who have found a way to get free energy, the car battery, the engine running on water to name a few.

Did any of you notice the duration or half time of C14 is equal to the cycle of eternity 576.0 years and equal to the circumference of the eight explained throughout the site.

Ancient myth speaks of a black sun in the middle of our galaxy. Nowadays we call it a black”w”hole. Its field spans the whole galaxy. On a smaller scale our sun does the same and its field affects the planets around it, on a even smaller scale, the electron. This force field keeps every atom in its spin, or this is what scientist think. But the truth is that in the centre of the atom, sun, black.w.hole and even you there is a point. A singularity that is the cause of all in the visual world. The world of matter. Taping into this energy means that through it you are also connected to the centre of the galaxy. The so called black sun and its field reaching to its outer boundary’s which affects all the smaller scale fields within it. This centre and that of all other levels creates a force field that has two mirrors “rotating” fields. This electrical/magnetic field creates the 8.
In its centre is the regulator. On the highest scale you will find truth and everlasting life.
But it is not a simple field of energy. Its complexity and creation-al power is the cause of all that is, has been and will be.

The centre that is at the same time all within its field. It was no wonder that this knowledge was and is the greatest treasure. The alchemist story’s speak of it. It would make you masters of the world and eventually of yourself and your re-connection to the centre of centre, God.

Moshiya de Broek.
laatste aanpassing
Kon dat niet wat uitgebreider? :nocheer:
Uitspraak van Back to the future! op maandag 3 januari 2011 om 11:41:
Goed verhaal, lekker kort

sommige dingen kan je beter ff de moeite voor nemen om helemaal door te lezen...sorry.
Het is niet echt boeiend.
Uitspraak van Ibu op maandag 3 januari 2011 om 11:53:
Het is niet echt boeiend.

:vaag: je begrijpt gewoon niet wat de implicaties zijn. :roflol: :bye:
Die implicaties staan pas aan het eind van de tekst. Als je gewoon had gezegd; lees het laatste stukje, dan werd het wellicht interessant.
Interessante shizzle
laatste aanpassing
Uitspraak van SuburbanKnight op maandag 3 januari 2011 om 12:20:
laatste aanpassing 3 januari 2011 12:27

Uitspraak van SuburbanKnight op maandag 3 januari 2011 om 12:20:

Ze staan serieus pas in de een na laatste paragraaf/alinea.
heb dit verhaal in het nederlands gelezen een tijd terug, vond het intressante shizzle (y)
Dude, het is maandag.
Uitspraak van Ibu op maandag 3 januari 2011 om 13:03:
Ze staan serieus pas in de een na laatste paragraaf/alinea.

het hele topic is een 1e paar artikelen kun je als inleiding beschouwen naar de implicaties die meer esotherisch van aard zijn...;)
Uitspraak van SuburbanKnight op maandag 3 januari 2011 om 11:36:
Toch verandert de halveringstijd per seizoen. In de zomer ligt de halveringstijd iets lager dan in de winter. Hoe komt dit? Wetenschappers denken dat een mysterieus deeltje verantwoordelijk is voor de wisselende halveringstijd.

In een Discovery-docu over de Lijkwade van Turijn werd er verteld dat temperatuursverschillen (bijv. als gevolg van een brand) het onderzoek onnauwkeurig maken dus zal het wel aan de temperatuur liggen?

Ik houd me verder niet met deze tak van wetenschap bezig, hoewel het machtig interessant is wijst het ons steeds op onze plek als nietige totaal betekenisloze zandkorreltjes in de woestijn die ze het heelal noemen en dat vind ik een beklemmend en angstig idee. Dus pin me er niet op vast ;)
Ancient myth speaks of a black sun in the middle of our galaxy. Nowadays we call it a black”w”hole. Its field spans the whole galaxy. On a smaller scale our sun does the same and its field affects the planets around it, on a even smaller scale, the electron. This force field keeps every atom in its spin, or this is what scientist think. But the truth is that in the centre of the atom, sun, black.w.hole and even you there is a point. A singularity that is the cause of all in the visual world. The world of matter. Taping into this energy means that through it you are also connected to the centre of the galaxy. The so called black sun and its field reaching to its outer boundary’s which affects all the smaller scale fields within it. This centre and that of all other levels creates a force field that has two mirrors “rotating” fields. This electrical/magnetic field creates the 8.
In its centre is the regulator. On the highest scale you will find truth and everlasting life.
But it is not a simple field of energy. Its complexity and creation-al power is the cause of all that is, has been and will be.

The centre that is at the same time all within its field. It was no wonder that this knowledge was and is the greatest treasure. The alchemist story’s speak of it. It would make you masters of the world and eventually of yourself and your re-connection to the centre of centre, God.

Dikke shit (y)

Maar wat ik wel een vrij aparte zin vind in deze laatste alinea:
On the highest scale you will find truth and everlasting life.

Alsof ie er zo tussen geplakt is..
laatste aanpassing
Uitspraak van SuburbanKnight op maandag 3 januari 2011 om 16:48:
het hele topic is een 1e paar artikelen kun je als inleiding beschouwen naar de implicaties die meer esotherisch van aard zijn...

Top artikel, ik vond het heel interessant om te lezen (Y)
Uitspraak van SuburbanKnight op maandag 3 januari 2011 om 11:36:
De halveringstijd van koolstof-14 is 5736 jaar. Oftewel: na 5736 jaar is de helft van alle instabiele koolstof-14 verdwenen. Na twee keer 5736 jaar is nog maar een vierde over. Na 57.360 jaar is 99,9% van koolstof-14 verdwenen.
