
The Breakbeat Club

The Breakbeat Club
25 mei 2024
georganiseerd door Site

OT301 (binnen) op de kaart Site
Overtoom 301

Tickets & prijzen The Breakbeat Club

Voorverkoop:€ 8,-
Deurverkoop:€ 10,-
Alle bovenstaande prijzen zijn inclusief servicekosten.
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Line-up The Breakbeat Club

drum & bass
drum & bass
drum & bass
drum & bass
drum & bass


You take a drum break in an old jazz song, you loop it and speed it up, put a deep bass underneath and what do you get? A whole world of energetic dancefloor-ready music: jungle, drum n bass and breakcore all share this same origin story!
On the 28th of June, Breakbeats for Breakfast hosts the first ever edition of The Breakbeat Club at OT301! Together with Operator21 and Breakbeats for Breakfast residents Crytic, Dazzyls, D.M.H and F-Key you will explore the diverse range of experiences breakbeats have to offer! 🚀
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