Audio Obscura
4 maart 2024
georganiseerd door Site

A'dam The Loft (binnen) op de kaart Site
Overhoekplein 2
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Line-up Audio Obscura

🇩🇪 house
As a leading figure in the Dutch house scene, Chris Stussy's sound is a testament to his deep understanding of groove and rhythm. With hits like ‘All Night Long’, he's not just playing tracks; he's crafting an experience that resonates on a global scale. He'll be joined by Berlin-based DJ, producer and Panorama Bar resident Paramida, who has left an indelible mark on the local club scene with her distinctive and sensualizing approach to music. From proto-house to trance, percussive gems to high-energy techno, her sets embody hope, surprise, and the unexpected.

Join us as Chris Stussy and Paramida create a sunlight-soaked dancefloor - pre-register now.

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