

23 augustus 2023

Shelter (binnen) op de kaart Site
Overhoeksplein 3
house × 2, disco × 1, funk × 1

Tickets & prijzen Shelter

Voorverkoop:€ 21,50
tot 00:00:€ 18,-
Alle bovenstaande prijzen zijn inclusief servicekosten.
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Line-up Shelter

za 23:00 - 01:00: 
zo 01:00 - 03:00:  house, disco
zo 03:00 - 05:00:  house
zo 05:00 - 06:30:  🇦🇷 🇪🇸
Dutch artist Prunk is very much part of the new breed. He grew up around classic house music and started collecting records before he was even a teenager. But rather than copying early inspirations like Mark Farina and Ian Pooley, he has learnt to speak his own musical language as both a DJ and a producer. This has made him a slow burning but now breakout talent who run his own influential PIV Records, and regularly appears on other vital outlets like King Street Sounds, Nervous Records, Defected and EWax. After more than a decade in the DJ game, Prunk has vast reserves of experience to draw on.
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