

28 juli 2023

Shelter (binnen) op de kaart Site
Overhoeksplein 3

Tickets & prijzen Shelter

Voorverkoop:€ 21,50
tot 00:00:€ 18,50
Alle bovenstaande prijzen zijn inclusief servicekosten.
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Line-up Shelter

🇬🇧 house, techno
🇺🇸 🇪🇸
techno, house
🇩🇰 🇫🇷 house
Joey Daniel’s career can be summed up as nothing less than a well-deserved rise to fame. The Rotterdam born/Amsterdam-resident has been making waves through the Dutch dance scene for over a decade now. By now he has become a key figure in Dutch nightlife, a trusted provider of acclaimed sets, having played nearly every club and festival imaginable. “I’m a sucker for the low-end, dubby tech spectrum of dance music. That’s why bass always plays a key role in my sets”, Joey says of his musical tastes. Just add the driving percussion elements, especially the subtle hi-hat and snare elements to that and you get an idea of what you’re in for when you have Joey Daniel playing in front of you.
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