Conflux festival
29 mei 2022
Conflux festival
29 mei 2022
georganiseerd door Site,

WORM (binnen) op de kaart Site
Boomgaardsstraat 71
Conflux festival dagen
Conflux festivalvr 3 jun 2022, 23:00
Conflux festivalza 4 jun 2022, 23:00 ←

Tickets & prijzen Conflux festival

Alleen voorverkoop, geen deurverkoop.
Voorverkoop:€ 15,-
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Er zijn kluisjes aanwezig.

Line-up Conflux festival

🇵🇹 🇳🇱 techno
🇬🇧 techno
· live 🇳🇱 techno


82Facebookbezoekers @ 2 juni 2022
133Facebookgeïnteresseerd @ 2 juni 2022
In a time in which our societal freedom is heavily under discussion, a space for escapism becomes more and more important. Since the dawn of time humans felt the need to immerse into dance rituals where sound and the human body interact. Club culture caters for this need and provides a space where escapism, trance and full body immersion in sound and light relate to technology.

Conflux explores the current state of electronic dance music by inviting a few of the most innovative electronic and techno-driven musicians and local talents who experiment with the boundaries of club culture and dance floor rituals. With these nights Conflux strives to push the limits of the sonic pallet, combining the worlds of nocturnal sound with mind-bending visual experiments.

Friday Club Night ticket: 10 euro
Saturday Club Night ticket: 15 euro
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