

· Auditory Allies III: UR Facebook
2048 × 2048 · organisatie
19 december 2023
georganiseerd door

RADION (binnen) op de kaart Site
Louwesweg 1a
schatting: techno

Tickets & prijs Further

Voorverkoop:€ 13,50
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Line-up Further

🇺🇸 techno, house


46Facebookuitnodigingen + geïnteresseerd + bezoekers @ 12 oktober 2020
Having journeyed through the genres which have influenced DJ Bone's musical education over the years, this week we return to meet another of his Auditory Allies.

These are the landmark artists and peers who Bone has held in high regard, who over the years he has built deep musical and personal connections with. Having spent time with Ben Sims and Deetron already in this FURTHER sub-series, this time around we are going deep on the iconic Underground Resistance.

Detroit Techno wouldn't be what it is without the seminal collective's consistent musical output. The labels associated producers reads as a whos who of the scene. And the logo appears worldwide on t-shirts, badges and tattoos - is there any other label in dance music whose logo is as iconic and well recognised?
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