
Old School Hip Hop Nights

Old School Hip Hop Nights
30 juli 2020

Bleyenberg (binnen) op de kaart Site
Grote Markt 10
Den Haag
schatting: hip hop, breaks, funk, jazz

Tickets Old School Hip Hop Nights

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Line-up Old School Hip Hop Nights

hip hop, drum & bass
hip hop


1Facebookgeïnteresseerd @ 21 september 2020
194Facebookuitnodigingen + geïnteresseerd + bezoekers @ 2 oktober 2020
Old school hip hop tunes every Friday & Saturday night at De Kantine van Bleyenberg. We start during dinner time, and we finish late. International flavours, cocktails with the Bley twist, and vinyl-only hip hop tunes by Mista Sweet & Carlos Rocha. It's a combination you can't refuse!
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