
Greazed Up

Greazed Up
6 februari 2020
georganiseerd door

Time Out (binnen) op de kaart Site
Handelseweg 11

Tickets & prijs Greazed Up

Voorverkoop:€ 38,95
Alle bovenstaande prijzen zijn inclusief servicekosten.
Minimumleeftijd?Leeftijdspecificatie is een indicatie.
Twijfel je aan de correctheid, verifieer de correctheid op de website van de locatie of organisatie!

Line-up Greazed Up

za 23:00 - 23:45:  🇬🇧 hardcore
za 23:45 - 00:30:  🇮🇹 hardstyle
zo 00:30 - 01:15:  🇬🇧 hardstyle
zo 01:15 - 02:00:  🇩🇪 hardstyle
zo 02:00 - 02:45:  🇷🇺 hardstyle
zo 02:45 - 03:00:  · zang nederlandstalig
zo 03:00 - 03:45:  🇬🇧 hardstyle
zo 03:45 - 04:30:  🇺🇸 hardcore
zo 04:30 - 05:00:  · live 🇬🇧 hardstyle
· MC


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geenstemresultaat (2 stemmen)
Remember that packet of glow sticks that you have in the abyss of your wardrobe? Well boys and girls, it's time to dig deep and dust those beauties off as on February 8th 2020 it's rave day... and most importantly on Feb 8th it's time to get GREAZED UP! 😈

Even though it's at the start of the year, we guarantee that this will be the sexiest, weirdest, Greaziest and best adventure of the following 11 months. Expect neon lights, breakdancing dwarves (TBC), food fights, live spanking, under-pressure-in-minimal-light-tattooing, lots of latex and of course the usual fully pink and Greazy theme.

Full Lineup
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