Boiler Room
19 februari 2019
georganiseerd door Site, Site

Muziekgieterij (binnen) op de kaart Site
Boschstraat 7
schatting: electro, minimal, techno

Tickets Boiler Room

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Line-up Boiler Room

🇬🇷 🇳🇱
🇺🇸 techno


631Facebookbezoekers @ 22 maart 2019
4400Facebookgeïnteresseerd @ 22 maart 2019
5837Facebookuitnodigingen + geïnteresseerd + bezoekers @ 28 maart 2019
Boiler Room is heading to Maastricht to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Robert Hood // Floorplan's iconic Tresor.Berlin (OFFICIAL) LP, Internal Empire. The M-Plant boss will be performing an exclusive DJ set in commemoration of this momentous landmark in techno.

Joining Hood on the stage in a former timber factory is the rising Greek-born and Den Haag-based Pasiphae, known for her dizzying releases on Artificial Dance and Bio Rhythm.

RSVPs now open:
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