

· Harpoen Facebook
3 december 2018
georganiseerd door

Sugar Factory (binnen)
op de kaart Site
Lijnbaansgracht 238

Tickets & prijzen LMNTS

Early bird:€ 8,50
Voorverkoop:€ 10,-
Deurverkoop:€ 15,-
Alle bovenstaande prijzen zijn inclusief servicekosten.
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Line-up LMNTS

· live
🇨🇴 🇳🇱 house, techno


LMNTS explores the chemistry of Techno, and all those committed to moving this art forward with innovation and quality.
For our third episode we've invited " Harpoen ", joint project from Jeroen Search & Albert van Abbe.

Dutchman Jeroen Search is one of techno’s most influential producers, but is also a well-kept public secret. Putting out consistently high quality music since the mid nineties, he is always right at the sharp end of the techno spectrum.
Keeping him there are the slick beats he releases on his own genre-defining label Search, as well as those on Figure, Dynamic Reflection and many others.
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