
Nowhere But Here

Nowhere But Here
23 september 2018
georganiseerd door

Kompass Klub (binnen) op de kaart Site
Ottergemsesteenweg-Zuid 717A

Tickets & prijzen Nowhere But Here

Voorverkoop 1:€ 5,80→ uitverkocht, 50 beschikbaar
Voorverkoop 2:€ 10,80→ uitverkocht, 250 beschikbaar
Voorverkoop 3:€ 15,80
Alle bovenstaande prijzen zijn inclusief servicekosten.
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Line-up Nowhere But Here

· live 🇸🇪 techno, house
trance, house


Nowhere But Here is a new concept that aims to bring you on a true musical journey by inviting artists that are able to do so.

For this first edition we’re inviting Jan Blomqvist who, strong of his brand new album to be released in October, will perform a breathtaking live act and take you on another planet.
He will be joined by Belgian artists Nico Morano and Timmerman for their Kompass debut.

There’s a spot in time and space where we meet and it’s right here…
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