
Bar Holiday

Bar Holiday
1 augustus 2018

BAR (binnen) op de kaart
Schiekade 201
schatting: disco, house

Tickets & prijzen Bar Holiday

Deurverkoop:€ 5,-
tot 01:00:gratis
Minimumleeftijd?Leeftijdspecificatie is een indicatie.
Twijfel je aan de correctheid, verifieer de correctheid op de website van de locatie of organisatie!

Line-up Bar Holiday

house, disco


Pack your bag and come with us on BAR holiday! Troughout July and August we want you to come on a cruise with us to Costa del BAR. It's a fair holiday deal: If you arrive before 1.11 you will take the ride for free, after that the ticket price is as little as 5 euros. On the way to the boat you will receive a postcard, which you can send to your aunt in Broek in Waterland , and we will make sure it will be sent to her (We send the postcards that have an address within the Netherlands the week after you handed it in to us). Make sure you bring your party outfit, your ID and some money for drinks, and leave your book at home. You wont have time to read it anyways. Every night there is an animation team to serve you that consists out of 2 dj's that we really love at BAR. We are pretty sure you will love them too. We are looking forward to meet you on our ship!
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