
Pangaia Party Air

Pangaia Party Air
11 maart 2017

Club Lite (binnen) op de kaart
Jan van Galenstraat 24

Tickets & prijzen Pangaia Party Air

Voorverkoop:€ 20,-
Deurverkoop:€ 24,-
Minimumleeftijd?Leeftijdspecificatie is een indicatie.
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Line-up Pangaia Party Air

Pangaia....where dance meets shamanism

A barefoot clubparty with dj Martyn Zij, live percussion & a cacao ceremony. A place where you can dance wild and freely, with your bare feet on the floor. Reconnecting with your tribe and your own raw essence. With feathers in your hair, scents and music from exotic & mystery places we journey together to....... our tribal heart.
We will make a journey through the 5 elements, so each month a new element to dive into....

18:30-19:30 Conscious Kitchen: Great vegan food.
20:00-22:00 Pangaia Cacao Dance Ceremony.
Theme AIR: Breathe into movement. Guided by Laura.
22:00-2:00 Dance Party with our great deejay ..DJ Martyn Zy. Entrancing fusion of tribal, ethnic, groovy and electronic beats.
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