
Sankeys Sabados

Sankeys Sabados
24 februari 2016

Sankeys (binnen) op de kaart
Carrer de les Alzines 5
Playa d'en Bossa

Tickets Sankeys Sabados

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Line-up Sankeys Sabados

Roll up Roll up! We can hardly believe we are on our 4th party already and if the last 3 weeks are anything to go by, we're in for a treat!

We are so excited to be joining all the musical forces together into the Basement this week with a non-stop roll call of the finest local talent one after another! This is gonna be one mother of a showcase!

Set times for this Saturday at Sankeys Sabados in the basement :-
12-1 REFF Jose Luis Cruz Serrano,
1-2.45 Cuky Ouarrak,
2.45-4.45 Kellie Allen,
4.45-6.30 Marta Dlm & Tim Angrave (Back2Back)

This week, The Ibiza Project present in The Boutique: BOKE, Cristian Rekena, Javi Mor, Michel Basse and Rolando Takeshi.

Sankey's Sabados is getting a really special feel about it, we love the vibe that you are all bringing and can't wait to see you all on the dancefloor! THIS IS YOUR PARTY! <3
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