
#EmoJi Party

#EmoJi Party
16 november 2015

Club Hemingway (binnen) op de kaart
Grote Hoogstraat 13

Tickets #EmoJi Party

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Twijfel je aan de correctheid, verifieer de correctheid op de website van de locatie of organisatie!

Line-up #EmoJi Party

Its time to have some fun not inly in the cyber world !
Club Hemingway presents : Emoji Party
Join this awesome ,fun, new concept before the Christmas break kicks in ! We all love EmoJis, we all use Emojis numerous time a day! Thats why we decided to dedicate a night for Emoji ! What is your most favourite Emoji : Smiling ? Laughing ? In Love? Nerdy ? Get your Emoji at Club Hemingway and lets have an awesome fun night !We will provide some Emoji masks during the night so you can decide what is your mood for the night !

Wanna win a special price ? Use your imagination and come dressed up as Emoji ! Take a photo or a selfie at our Emoji wall, get most likes on FB and we will have a special price for you !

As in every student night Beer and Shots will be ONLY 1eu
No entrance fee all night long

Bring the Emoji in u =)
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