

· Source of Light Facebook
1000 × 1000 · organisatie
23 november 2017
georganiseerd door Site Site

Unipol Arena (binnen) op de kaart Site
Via Gino Cervi 2

Tickets & prijzen Sensation

Voorverkoop:€ 80,-
VIP:€ 150,-
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Line-up Sensation

On April 13th Sensation debuts in Italy with the latest show, the 'Source of Light'. The event will be held in the Unipol Arena in Bologna. The doors will open at 8 pm. The event is sold out.

Source of Light’ is an extraordinary visual show - in addition to world-class acrobats and dancers, it also presents a stunning pyro and laser show. This, combined with some of the hottest DJ acts, will guarantee for the year's biggest party on Italian ground. Check out the trailer here:

Every year, Sensation travels all around the world with a brand new show under the premise ‘Be part of the night, dress in white’. This year, Sensation takes us to where all life has its origin; the light, and portrays it in spectacular ways that will take you on an inward journey to the light within you. This Sensation is an amazing interactive experience in which you will be part of the show while connecting to the source of light that unites us all.
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1 opmerking

Ik loop een ruim uurtje hier vandaan stage op het moment, krijgen nederlanders geen gratis entree? :P