
Kill all hipsters

2048 × 1536 · organisatie
Kiss All Hipsters
6 februari 2023
georganiseerd door

Club 8 (binnen) op de kaart Site
Admiraal de Ruyterweg 56B
electro × 2

Tickets & prijs Kill all hipsters

Deurverkoop:€ 8,-
Minimumleeftijd?Leeftijdspecificatie is een indicatie.
Twijfel je aan de correctheid, verifieer de correctheid op de website van de locatie of organisatie!

Line-up Kill all hipsters

hip hop, pop
The FB event & Website event are now closed! Regular tickets still available at the door!

FB event + website = now 290 confirmed!

Hey there,

Friday April 27th we've got a brandnew edition of KILL ALL HIPSTERS coming up @ Club 8/Amsterdam.

Because we want a crowd of knowledgable scenesters we're offering EVERYONE who confirms to this event a spot on our Red.Adm. List which means entry isn't 8 but 5 euro.

Better still: Confirm thru our own site and entry is only 4 euro.

If you want to make sure everyone knows you're going and want to get the best discount confirm at both spots....we like that!

If you want to bring friends let us know you need a +1, +2 or more through a comment on our site or on the event page.

New to the game?

5 hours of the best * indie * electro * indietronica * eclectic pop

Some stuff we play
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