10 november 2016
NaamSjoerd van Kampen
Functie1 × band, 1 × instrumentalist
HerkomstNederland 🇳🇱


The in Middelburg born and raised Sjoerd van Kampen - better known under his artist name BÄSN - is a multi-instrumentalist, genrist, singer-songwriter, producer and DJ. BÄSN came to fruition in 2014 when friends Johan Marsman en Sjoerd van Kampen bundled their musical forces together. After the needed experience, Sjoerd decided to move to Rotterdam to expand his project with the meaning of also having a live-band behind his project.

BÄSN now consists of four musicians from Rotterdam, they make driven music and take inspiration from Neon Indian, Washed Out, New Order and M83. The music can best be described as a dance night in a 80s setting, which - under the influence of LSD - takes place in a lucid dream. When the members of BÄSN perform on the stage, the musicality is seeping from their pores. Because this musicality finds a way out, it creates energetic live shows which are imbued with the energy.

Currently they are working on a new EP, which will guarantee more live energy.

Uitgaansagenda BÄSN

Laatste optreden was op donderdag 7 februari 2019: Mixtape, Rotown, Rotterdam


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