Mat McHugh
18 september 2016
Functie1 × zanger, producer
HerkomstAustralië 🇦🇺


Mat McHugh is a singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and performer who has always worn his heart on his sleeve. From the fateful evening on which he decided that playing an open mic night was the way to win the girl of his dreams, his path as a musician has been adventurous, winding and often unexpected. Mat is best known for his pivotal role in Sydney's The Beautiful Girls, the outfit who provided the means for his initial musical musings. His role in the band, as the front man and creative force, led to glowing reviews, tours, international travel, meetings with heroes, dalliances with villains and an exploration of what was important as a human being, an artist and a man.

The Beautiful Girls kicked it all off in 2002 with the debut EP, Morning Sun. The track Periscopes became a certified Triple J radio hit that summer and the Goodtimes EP, followed that same year...

Uitgaansagenda Mat McHugh

Laatste optreden was op zaterdag 17 september 2016: Eindfeest, DownUnderBeach, Den Haag


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