28 maart 2015
NaamLaurent Magis
Functie4 × DJ
HerkomstBelgië 🇧🇪


Laurent is a self-taught artist that was born just before the big electronic music era.
Laurent knew on a early age that music would be if not the most important thing in his life.
It all started with spinning his father's records and he soon moved forward to production.
He and one of his friend discovered fast tracker in the 90's.
Because of school and other things in life Laurent had to take a musical break while many of his friends were spinning at some of the biggest Belgian clubs.
Now he's back and his desire to create and share his music grew even more.
His unique signature style is driven by a techy house groove that will make people move.
Lately he releases tracks for labels such as 2MR2 records, Music records Brazil and FOLD records.

Uitgaansagenda Magis

Laatste optreden was op zaterdag 31 december 2016: Aarschot Goes Crazy, Stadsfeestzaal Aarschot, Aarschot


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soundcloud Recente muziek