Jordan Sweeney
5 februari 2014
Functie4 × DJ
HerkomstVerenigd Koninkrijk 🇬🇧
Genresprogressive trance, techno, trance


Jordan Sweeney is a Trance and Progressive Dj Hailing from Coventry. His sound vary's depending on his set times so that the crowd are taken on a journey through the music at an event. Something the Crowd tends to appreciate a lot more. You will see Jordan just as happy to belt out the 140 Tech Trance tunes as he is to play the slower progressive sound to get an event warmed up properly.

Jordan has played for some of the biggest brands in the Trance Scene such as Lashed, Passion and Godskitchen.

Jordan is slowly creeping up the Dj ladder within the UK, with his varying styles of Trance to wow the crowds. His perfect track selection time after time clearly shows why he is well respected within the scene.

Things all Kicked off for Jordan Back in 2010 when he was asked to play some low key parties, from then he was spotted and asked to play at Coventry's most successful Trance event at the time.

Uitgaansagenda Jordan Sweeney

Laatste optreden was op zaterdag 5 november 2016: TranceCoda, Boxxed, Birmingham


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