Barbara Ford
24 april 2020
NaamBarbara van Limburg Stirum
Functie21 × DJ
AliasHet Meisje (voorganger)
HerkomstNederland 🇳🇱
Genresacid, acid techno, techno
partyflock Barbaravls (16 mei 2015)


Barbara Ford began with Vinyl when she was 13, fell in love with the music of Kollektiv Turmstrasse, Max Cooper and Extrawelt. Got some small gigs at afters, and finally became resident DJ at Zeezout Bookings Agency.

It was her older brother who introduced Barbara to vinyl when she was 13 years old. The love for music was born. When he left the parental house, his music equipment went as well. Tirelessly, she continued practicing long hours at the piano, but deep inside she craved for the stronger beats.

Barbara got captivated by the Amsterdam nightlife when she was 16 and with it she discovered Minimal and Techno. She loved its dark tones and raw beats, already played by her heroes Max Cooper, Kollektiv Turmstrasse and Extrawelt.

Uitgaansagenda Barbara Ford

Laatste optreden was op vrijdag 7 juni 2019: Het Magazijn, Het Magazijn, Den Haag


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