Brown & Gammon
24 augustus 2013
NaamWill Moore & ...
Functie9 × DJ's, groep
HerkomstVerenigd Koninkrijk 🇬🇧


Sometimes all it takes is an older brother with a passion for playing blaring Trance and Garage beats at all sorts of inappropriate hours to set a destiny in motion. This would prove to be the case for Will Moore, aka Brown and Gammon. From his early introduction to the electronic music scene to his first dabbling with sample based music software such as Rave eJay, Will was hooked.

Over the years, as his collection of equipment and software grew, a chance encounter with a school friend would be the beginning of creative relationship which would materialize under the name DJ Brown and MC Gammon. These friends crafted a sound they self- described as "Junglist-Country Post Jazz Funk". While these sessions would be the beginning of a creative journey, MC Gammon chose to pursue another path but DJ Brown knew exactly where he was meant to be.

Uitgaansagenda Brown & Gammon

Laatste optreden was op vrijdag 28 juni 2013: Sunrise Festival, Lilse Bergen, Lille


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2 opmerkingen

heeeeel fijn
the bad bounce en blow my mind heeeeeerlijk voor te chille