23 december 2013
NaamYanko Yachev
Functie45 × DJ
AliasZett Feral
HerkomstNederland 🇳🇱
Genreselectro, house
partyflock Zett Feral (8 okt 2014)


Morgon is one of the new upcoming artists from the East coming hard in the West. Being in the industry for less than a year, he started playing in clubs around the Netherlands where people were impressed with his style and the way he makes the people go crazy with well chosen tracks and of course his Bootlegs for which he is famous for "My passion is mixing songs together that people like so that I can give them an extra boom". When he gets steeled in the DJ booth, people already know what to expect and a getting ready for a hour of massive tunes gradually growing from House, Acid House to get the people into it until he is ready to release the good Electro House vibe that he and he public adore so much.

Uitgaansagenda Morgon

Laatste optreden was op donderdag 12 februari 2015: Thurst Tattoo Lovers, Paard, Den Haag


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