Jaguar Skills
15 juli 2019
NaamMatthew Carter
Functie34 × DJ, producer
HerkomstVerenigd Koninkrijk 🇬🇧
Genresdrum & bass, dubstep, hip hop, house


From humble beginnings producing mixtapes for Japanese fashion labels through to curating his own stage at Bestival and releasing platinum-selling compilations; the rise and rise of the original ninja-DJ Jaguar Skills has been well documented. Honing his craft and love of music for the last 15 years Jag has managed to remain true to his school and keep a mysterious edge to his character, with details of his real name, age and home town etc left largely unconfirmed…

Jaguar Skills first burst onto the scene with his extraordinary DJ skills and unique ability to produce awe-inspiring mixtapes. Such originality and skill, both inside and outside the DJ booth, did not go unnoticed and it wasn't long before the world-famous BBC Radio 1 snapped up Jaguar Skills for a quarterly 'In New DJs we Trust' slot. He was given free reign to deliver his high octane mixes that involved an aural assault of every tempo imaginable, from House to Dubstep through to Drum & Bass with everything inbetween.

Uitgaansagenda Jaguar Skills

Laatste optreden was op vrijdag 8 november 2019: Garage Nation, Melkweg, Amsterdam


geen·in de toekomst
34·in het verleden
geenstemresultaat (0.1985 stem)

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