7 oktober 2013
NaamCathy Krouwel
Functie15 × live act, 1 × MC, producer
Lid van groepenShakes + Seven
vroeger: Voice of Chakra
Geboortedatum11 januari
HerkomstNederland 🇳🇱
Genreshouse, trance
partyflock Cay-T (5 nov 2016)


She started with singing and making music at a very young age. Piano, violin and singing in the choir of her father, laid down a classical base where she still likes to grab back at. A huge biography in everything to do with music, with highs in the 80s where she sang in several bands and where she won the soundmixshow in 1986 with her Rendition of Love is a Battlefield (Pat Banatar).

She had a short solo career and made her first songs with Arnold Muhren. The already prominent lady did not feel really at home in the circuit of soloists and soon she went back to her great love of Rock & Roll and did her own work. With the band La Farce she toured through the Dutch pop circuit and they were on the best pop venues. For Programs including Herman Brood, Lois Lane, Golden Earing .. and even of Fad Gadget and Vince Clark. Sjors Frohlich of the NCRV invited La Farce for the program "Los Vast" and they were supported by Frits Spits and they were even invited in his TV program as well.

Uitgaansagenda Cay-T

Laatste optreden was op zondag 10 december 2023: Chakra Party goes Burlesque, De Avenue, Breda


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3 waarderingen

Super hoog kippenvel gehalte :kusje2:
heeeeeeel goed !!!(k)
Ik zou willen dat ik zo zou kunnen zingen!(y)