1 juli 2020
NaamFabian Matos
Functie33 × MC
HerkomstVerenigde Staten 🇺🇸
WoonachtigLuxemburg 🇱🇺
Genresbreakcore, crossbreed, drum & bass, dubstep, frenchcore, hard techno, hardcore, hardstyle, industrial hardcore, industrial techno, jungle, techno


Born in the USA, MC Matos aka Da Kriminal moved to Luxembourg as a teenager and started writing and recording hiphop lyrics. Years later he joined a crossover band (metal,hip hop,electronica) as singer/songwriter. Through the years he listened to many genres of music, but got hooked to electronic music (especially to techno in all its forms) and became a dj/producer.

Since 2009 he slipped into the hardcore scene mainly as booker and event manager; working for an organization called Amoksphere Events specialized in organizing parties and festivals representing the harder styles in and around Luxembourg. At one party an ex-associate asked him to grab the mic and to shout something out during his set. To his suprise the crowd went crazy and wanted more. After this party MC Matos had decided to continue in this direction for another personal creative challenge.

Uitgaansagenda Matos

Laatste optreden was op zaterdag 21 januari 2023: Liberty White, Minus One, Gent


geen·in de toekomst
33·in het verleden
1·foto tijdens optreden
geenstemresultaat (0.4203 stem)
11 augustus 2012
Foto's, The Qontinent, 11 augustus 2012, Puyenbroeck, Wachtebeke