14 april 2020
NaamSam Gonzalez & Corey Soljan
Functie61 × DJ's, 5 × live act, producers, groep
HerkomstAustralië 🇦🇺
WoonachtigNederland 🇳🇱

Uitgaansagenda Bioweapon

Laatste optreden was op zaterdag 11 februari 2023: Reminder, Hemkade 48, Zaandam

soundcloud Recente muziek

spotify Muziek

8 april 2017
Foto's, Daydream Festival, 8 april 2017, Festivalpark Lommel, Lommel
19 november 2011
Foto's, Bassrulers, 19 november 2011, Zalinaz, Etten-Leur
11 november 2011
Foto's, Try Before You Die, 11 november 2011, Time Out, Gemert
8 oktober 2011
Foto's, 25 Years The Prophet, 8 oktober 2011, Central Studios, Utrecht
17 september 2011
Foto's, Euphoria, 17 september 2011, 013, Tilburg
14 augustus 2011
Foto's, The Qontinent, 14 augustus 2011, Puyenbroeck, Wachtebeke
29 april 2011
Foto's, Queensbass, 29 april 2011, Absoluut, Sint-Michielsgestel
9 april 2011
Foto's, Knock Out!, 9 april 2011, SilverDome, Zoetermeer
2 april 2011
Foto's, Indicator, 2 april 2011, Kardinge, Groningen
2 april 2011
Foto's, Rebirth Festival, 2 april 2011, Raamse Akkers, Haaren

128 opmerkingen

Uitspraak van esnesi op maandag 25 juli 2011 om 09:55:
also quite interesting about these two

The only thing 'interesting' about that is to finally be told the truth about Scantraxx and their rotten-to-the-bone way of doing business, by someone from the inside:

[04/04/2011 5:29:33 PM] I think the problem has 2 layers
[04/04/2011 5:29:45 PM] 1, dov doesnt actually care about the artists
[04/04/2011 5:29:58 PM] he just wants to play it safe and back up the big guys he's already got
[04/04/2011 5:30:15 PM] Willem, Joram & Bas
[04/04/2011 5:30:26 PM] keep gerardo close to make money of him

laatste aanpassing
[11/02/2011 9:04:30 AM] well I dont want to be in holland for a start
[11/02/2011 9:04:30 AM] haha
[11/02/2011 9:04:36 AM] and I want to work by myself
[11/02/2011 9:04:42 AM] I dont like working with other people
[11/02/2011 9:04:43 AM] like
[11/02/2011 9:04:48 AM] I *really* dont like it

[11/02/2011 9:06:24 AM] I was with randy and raoul yesterday
[11/02/2011 9:06:32 AM] oh man
[11/02/2011 9:06:35 AM] Nikkita: what happened?
[11/02/2011 9:06:38 AM] I was dying in the chair
[11/02/2011 9:06:50 AM] I always knew I was good at lying with my face
[11/02/2011 9:06:53 AM] but that was a real test
[11/02/2011 9:07:05 AM] Nikkita: what happened tho?
[11/02/2011 9:07:09 AM] oh nothing
[11/02/2011 9:07:13 AM] just hate all their music
[11/02/2011 9:07:18 AM] they're top guys
[11/02/2011 9:07:21 AM] really awesome guys
[11/02/2011 9:07:26 AM] I positively hate all their music
[11/02/2011 9:07:33 AM] Nikkita: rofl
[11/02/2011 9:08:03 AM] zany was showing my some stuff
[11/02/2011 9:08:09 AM] from this artist called 'mean machine'
[11/02/2011 9:08:16 AM] most horrible music I have heard

Sam you're a fraud and only in it for the money. Seems that Scantraxx is your perfect label after all. But you seem to hate being part of a duo, hate Holland and despise hardstyle music. Why don't you go back to Australia and start producing some sweet, corny music.. on your own?
laatste aanpassing
Seeing that all the Get Infected logo's are now without sam and corey i asume that the split up.

Goodbye BRK3 and Bioweapon.

Corey, good luck on Code Black at the Fusion Label
Uitspraak van permanent verbannen op vrijdag 5 augustus 2011 om 18:08:
The only thing 'interesting' about that is to finally be told the truth about Scantraxx and their rotten-to-the-bone way of doing business, by someone from the inside:

[04/04/2011 5:29:33 PM] I think the problem has 2 layers
[04/04/2011 5:29:45 PM] 1, dov doesnt actually care about the artists
[04/04/2011 5:29:58 PM] he just wants to play it safe and back up the big guys he's already got
[04/04/2011 5:30:15 PM] Willem, Joram & Bas
[04/04/2011 5:30:26 PM] keep gerardo close to make money of him


idd. mooi om te horen wat 'we al lang wisten' ;)
Hero of Dream Village! Just dance with him! Awesome
At Dream Village Before Bioweapon it was not too enjoy.. dbstfn boring:P but he made a totally awesome set:D You got al lot respect from yesterday(y)
Awesome set yesterday @ dreamvillage! nice talking to you when you went for your car ^^! see you at you next gig!!
Artiest Speakerwall
Partiing @ Dream Village, Great Hardcore opening with Eardrumz :kwijl:
Corey is kicked out bioweapon? :S

Corey is code black, new fusion artist...
Uitspraak van verwijderd op maandag 8 augustus 2011 om 11:20:
Sam you're a fraud and only in it for the money. Seems that Scantraxx is your perfect label after all. But you seem to hate being part of a duo, hate Holland and despise hardstyle music

Misschien word het tijd voor een lesje Engels lezen. Want dat is niet wat er staat. Buiten dat, uiteindelijk is Corey de 'evil one' van hun 2. Check de feiten =)
Toca's Miracle - Bioweapon mix.
Dat nummer had niet beter in een hardstyle nummer gemixt kunnen worden
Wát een helden!!! Geweldige producties, niet normaal!!!!!!!:respect::respect:
Uitspraak van MrsPRSC:hyper: op zondag 16 oktober 2011 om 00:21:
Toca's Miracle - Bioweapon mix.
Dat nummer had niet beter in een hardstyle nummer gemixt kunnen worden

Toch is het een heerlijk trackje =)
waarom uit elkaar:O
samen zoizo beter
Uitspraak van MrsPRSC:hyper: op maandag 7 november 2011 om 17:59:
dat probeerde ik met een omweg te zeggen haha

ahjaa ik las 'beter niet' haha
Volgens mij is de naam Bioweapon veranderd naar Audiofreq? Tenminste een track van Bioweapon in de XXlerator CD stond erin als Audiofreq dus ik neem aan dat, dat de nieuwe naam is?
Toch apart dat Sam altijd de gene was die HELEMAAL uit zijn dak ging op feestjes...

Audiofreq = Sam (de kale)
Code Black = Corey (met haar)
waarom gaat sam niet gewoon door onder naam bioweapon,
dan heeft hij meteen de bekende naam en alles al.

en hij was sowieso al meer het gezicht van bioweapon dan corey(no offense)
Artiest Noisic
Uitspraak van De Antiheld op maandag 3 oktober 2011 om 17:47:
Misschien word het tijd voor een lesje Engels lezen. Want dat is niet wat er staat. Buiten dat, uiteindelijk is Corey de 'evil one' van hun 2. Check de feiten =)

WHAHA! Nonsens..
Corey is degene die onwijs genaaid is door Sam.
Ik heb de chat tussen Nikkita en Orbit1 gelezen (Orbit1 is Sam's oude dj naam van vroeger), en Sam verteld niks dan kwaads over Scantraxx, de andere dj's en over hoe hij de mensen haat.
Corey is uit Bioweapen gestapt en is voor zichzelf begonnen als Code Black.
Dan is ook weer te zien dat Corey de drijvende kracht was achter de producties van Bioweapen, aangezien Code Black (Corey) aan de lopende bank dikke tracks maakt, terwijl de enige goede van Audiofreq (Sam), Tear U Down is.
Sam is een enorme klootzak. Hij verdiend de respect van degene die het verhaal niet kennen niet.
Check de feiten =)
laatste aanpassing
Uitspraak van actief op woensdag 21 december 2011 om 17:06:
WHAHA! Nonsens..
Corey is degene die onwijs genaaid is door Sam.

Okee, ik zal dit langzaam herhalen voor je. Er staat dat hij ZANY's muziek haat, niet de muziek in het algemeen.
Maar dan wist je zeker ook dat Corey de vriendin van Sam genaait heeft enzo of niet dan? :) Feiten, zucht.
Nikkita over Sam @Harderstate

Sam is always desperate, about everything. Here is why: for every problem he has, he always cries about it and never does anything about it. He cries until someone else does something FOR him. In this case, he manipulated everyone around him against Corey -- I would know, because he did the same thing to me non-stop. It was at the point where I was going "Wow, Corey is a prick!".

Simply, he never "asked" when he needed things. He expected it to be handed to them. Every other artist who comes to this country as a visitor has to find their own way -- he is not any different. He doesn't like this fact being pointed out. As a result, he'd blame everyone else rather than himself for not solving his OWN problems. He was given a Golden Goose that shit diamonds, gold, and pearls... and that still wasn't "good enough". He was hand picked and placed on a label and literally exploded on to the scene within 1 - 2 years. That still wasn't good enough -- I know people who have been around for YEARS, that are only just NOW getting this recognition.

When he started whinging about how nobody supported his tracks, I offered to help him out. I'm friends with some of the DJs, I can do him vocals (for FREE), and try to call in some favours. I was trying my best to motivate him and cheer him up, only to be met with "Actually, I hate your voice". And then him phoning me repeatedly going "Sorry sorry sorry...... I just hate your voice"... Please note, he did this while my friend was DYING. Some weeks later, my friend died. My friend was my music partner, so I lost *A LOT* that was dear to me. Sam even knows who my friend is -- as they were friends, too. Within a few days, he immediately wanted to work on music... I was hesitant because while I wanted to do some music, at the same time, I just couldn't think of anything. Rather than doing what any SANE person would do and go "Hey man, no problem, hope you feel better"... he began lecturing me on how I'm a "disappointment", and a "mean person".

Yeah, maybe I'm a feisty and retarded train wreck with a lot of problems. I don't try and hide this, I am who I am and while I try to be a less "angry" person, I can still explode at times.

As for why Sam "simply doesn't start his own project" -- this was discussed many times. In the photo album I linked to, you can see me saying "You owe it to Corey to tell him what's on your mind and to work it out". He never did, once. Only gave excuses why he "couldn't do that". Then we talked about "why not just perform on weekends, and do your own stuff during the week" -- but why do that when you can get away with NOT starting over from the beginning and taking all the profit for the projects yourself?

Sure, Sam and I had our little flirty fling (if you can call it this). Everyone knows this. However, I'm not the type of person who can just stand by and watch someone completely screw another person over, regardless of how I feel about the other person. It's like watching a crime, and refusing to testify as a witness when you could greatly help a person out -- what does that say about a person? Simply, it's just not right. You don't DO that to people, and I don't understand why this isn't a common sentiment with everyone else. Some asshole takes advantage of another and is sure to pick someone he knows won't openly speak about it.

I don't give a fuck how talented a person is -- Sam is, undeniably a talented guy -- but that does not excuse their behaviour. If you're so fucking desperate, open your mouth, articulate your needs and wants, and if it doesn't work, leave the project and make your own way. Don't usurp it in a sneaky way.

I didn't want to talk about this, but it's out in the fucking open now and I don't give a shit. I've been holding this type of dirty fucking laundry for years, knowing shit first hand I wish I didn't know, and watching people get the shit end of the stick for too long. Not anymore.
Dat "Nikkita over Sam @Harderstate" heb ik inderdaad ook gelezen, maar ik wist niet meer waar XD
Maar gedoe over z'n vriendin wist ik dat weer niks. Wat is dat voor een verhaal dan? :P

@ De Antiheld: Chatsessie van Sam en Nikkita:
[11/02/2011 9:07:13 AM] I just hate all their music
[11/02/2011 9:07:18 AM] they're top guys
[11/02/2011 9:07:21 AM] really awesome guys
[11/02/2011 9:07:26 AM] I positively hate all THEIR music
Daarna zei hij dat hij het irritant vond dat Zany z'n skills liet zien. Maar dat terzijde..

Ik heb their even langzaam voor je uitgesproken :)
laatste aanpassing
Uitspraak van actief op woensdag 21 december 2011 om 17:06:
Dan is ook weer te zien dat Corey de drijvende kracht was achter de producties van Bioweapen, aangezien Code Black (Corey) aan de lopende bank dikke tracks maakt, terwijl de enige goede van Audiofreq (Sam), Tear U Down is.

Dan moet je toch verder kijken dan de officiële releases. Sam is als een malle aan het producen en tegelijkertijd zijn horizon aan het verbreden door met andere stijlen te experimenteren. Heeft zelfs al een album aangekondigd...
Uitspraak van verwijderd op zaterdag 31 december 2011 om 13:24:
andere stijlen te experimenteren

Ja de stijlen die het meest goed vallen om zoveel mogelijk geld te verdienen. In die chatlogs zegt hij dat het zo commercieel mogelijk wil maken. Het is niet eens hard ofzo. Alle tracks die hij maakt vind ik maar soft die ik laatst tussen een liveset van hem heb gehoord. Verder dan de officiële releases heb je de remixes die hij heeft gedaan en de tracks die er weer zitten aan te komen laat toch zien dat Corey (Code Black) toch velen maler drukker is en meer succes aan het behalen is op het moment. Audiofreq praat bijna niemand over en Code Black is hot! Kanshebber voor Best Newcomer voor de aankomende Hard Dance Awards.
en toch vind ik ze allebei goed.

Mjah de combi = Legendary:

laatste aanpassing
misschien moeten ze eens naar dr. Phil.