Christian Wünsch
14 februari 2015
NaamChristian Wünsch
Functie29 × DJ, producer
Lid van groepSpherical Coordinates
HerkomstSpanje 🇪🇸
Genreselectro, techno


Christian Wünsch has been in contact with music ever since he was a young boy: thanks to the influence of his elder sisters he discovered the darkest pop of the eighties, as well as goth rock, punk and new wave.

This influence was to stay with him for the years to come, when he moved to Nottingham. In Rock City, one of the city's most famous live music venues, he enjoyed many live performances by the bands that had meant so much to him: New Model Army, The Mission, Ramones, Joolz, Sisters of Mercy and so on.

But it wasn't until he returned to Spain in the early nineties that he came to be fully in contact with electronic music. Back in those days and thanks to Madrid's nightlife and clubs like Attica, Christian experimented the curious fusion of all his previous dark rock influences with the most combative electronic music in the form of EBM.

Uitgaansagenda Christian Wünsch

Laatste optreden was op zaterdag 17 juni 2017: Mystic Garden Festival, Sloterpark, Amsterdam


geen·in de toekomst
29·in het verleden
geenstemresultaat (0.7423 stem)

2 waarderingen

ouwe shit!
Ooit van mogen genieten op een teqnology '03 lekker duister donderende setjes:)
mag wel weer eens terug op awakenings komen wat mij betreft :)