David K
11 januari 2014
NaamDavid Kemoun
Functie11 × DJ
HerkomstFrankrijk 🇫🇷
Genreshouse, techno


David K represents something all too rare in electronic music today: an artist who makes music first and club music second. For him, emotion is paramount, the pop format has its perks and original material is always better than a sample. Late at night and early in the morning he dances alone in his studio, tapping away on his keyboards and throwing together arrangements on the fly (a pianist by training, he can't bear to make music slouched over a mouse).
David K's roots are in Paris, where he lived his entire life until 2011. He grew up steeped in the his father's records: Bob Marley, Otis Redding, Serge Gainsbourg, Madness, Blondie, The Clash, disco, classical, czech waltz (of all these, Gainsbourg is probably what comes through the most). He started DJing in the late 80s on a makeshift set of gear, complete with a radio and tape deck, but once he hit his first rave in '91 he went straight for the Technics 1200s...

Uitgaansagenda David K

Laatste optreden was op woensdag 19 oktober 2011: Flying Circus on Board, Pure Liner, Amsterdam


geen·in de toekomst
11·in het verleden
3·foto's tijdens optreden
geenstemresultaat (0.2381 stem)

soundcloud Recente muziek

1 waardering

Werkelijk de leukste internationale dj die ik heb ontmoet dit jaar...JEZUS wat heb ik om hem gelachen!

4 opmerkingen

Werkzaam bij Deeplay Events
Artiest Yaron Cohen
goeie producer!!! wist alleen niet dat parijs in duitsland ligt ;)
Uitspraak van verwijderd op zaterdag 8 december 2007 om 22:10:
goeie producer!!!

dikke space (L)
mooie Franse sfeerplaatjes (y)