Nick Sentience
17 december 2012
NaamNick Fryer
Functie20 × DJ
HerkomstVerenigd Koninkrijk 🇬🇧


Nick Fryer PKA Nick Sentience began Dj'ing at 15 in his home town of Portsmouth UK and after doing his first gig at age 16 he decided to start producing his own music as well. After buying his first keyboard a Kawai K11 an Atari computer and a Roland mc 303 he managed to get one of his tracks featured on the legendary Future Music magazine at age 17., this led to him being signed to the massive Media/Nukleuz records at 18 and Nick Moved to London to work as in house producer and in the next 2 years the label would overtake Ministry of Sound as the leading selling label in the UK.

Nicks first Big Break came with his track "Purple Twilight" which was picked up by Judge Jules on BBC radio 1 and then "Digital Dialogue" was Kiss Fm Big Beat of the week. After this success and another big single "Freedom" Nick landed in the DJ top 100 at 74 (2 places ahead of the Chemical brothers who were at 76) he was only 21 years old, the youngest Dj to be in that year.

Uitgaansagenda Nick Sentience

Laatste optreden was op vrijdag 5 april 2013: Future Focus Night, Escape Lounge & Caffé, Amsterdam


geen·in de toekomst
20·in het verleden
14·foto's tijdens optreden
geenstemresultaat (0.2137 stem)

soundcloud Recente muziek

13 november 2004
Foto's, High Quality XL, 13 november 2004, NDSM-Werf, Amsterdam
24 mei 2003
Foto's, 4 Elements, 24 mei 2003, Ahoy, Rotterdam
15 maart 2003
Foto's, Hardhouse Academy, 15 maart 2003, Academy Brixton, London
25 mei 2002
Foto's, 4 Elements, 25 mei 2002, Ahoy, Rotterdam
25 januari 2002
Foto's, High Quality, 25 januari 2002, Melkweg, Amsterdam