Fabian Lionearth
7 november 2006
NaamFabian van Leeuwaarde
Functie48 × DJ
AliasEl Cobra Negro
HerkomstNederland 🇳🇱


Born and raised in The Hague, The Netherlands. Fabian Lionearth's techno foundation is already laid out by the sounds of DJ Remy at the local clubnigths around town in the late 90's; Then he bought his first Technics SL 1200's.
Proving to be a skilled DJ in various styles, he is showing everyone a different angle of his musical spectrum. This is also getting noticed by several others who are keeping their eyes (and ears) open.
Fabian already played a DJ set in the famous club "U60311" in Frankfurt as part of the "We Love Neon" tour. Furthermore, he played in the famous venues "Fosfobox" in Rio de Janeiro and "Klub K4" in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Also, he already played in different countries like Germany, Belgium, Slovenia, Portugal and Brazil and alongside inspiration & well-known techno artists in the scene such as: Steve Bicknell, DJ Boss, Echoplex, 65D Mavericks, Remy, Invite, WJ Henze, Kr!z, Kammy, DJ Link, Charlton, Elektrabel, Marcelo K2 and Beroshima.

Uitgaansagenda Fabian Lionearth

Laatste optreden was op vrijdag 25 maart 2022: Impload, Smederij, Tilburg

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4 waarderingen

Goede DJ, geinige vent!
Zekersss dikke techno; want uitrusten doe je thuis maar :woep:
Das behoorlijk dikke Techno Jah....
das verdomme dikke techno die gij draait

4 opmerkingen

Zekersss dikke techno; want uitrusten doe je thuis maar :woep:
Werkzaam bij {SHOWLIST organization 7046, 3650}
En gewoon ruim 20 minuten langer doordraaien in de Massa :p lekker hoor!