Magda Bytnerowicz
10 oktober 2019
NaamMagda Bytnerowicz
Functie1 × DJ
WoonachtigAustralië 🇦🇺


Over the past decade, Magda Bytnerowicz has cemented her status as one of Australia's most respected DJs.

She built up her domestic fame by becoming the go-to local DJ to support imports from abroad, and in recent years she's proven her chops as a headlining talent in her own right. The roster of artists she's played with testifies to her own versatility and ability, as it includes techno gods and fanatic house heads alike, including Derrick May, DVS1, Nick Höppner, Objekt, Steven Tang, Pantha Du Prince, Jamie 3:26, Rick Wilhite, Jane Fitz and more. In recent years she's graduated to headlining Australia's best and biggest parties, most notably the massive main stage at Sydney's infamous Mardi Gras parade, and made her debut at Berlin's Panorama Bar.

Uitgaansagenda Magda Bytnerowicz

Laatste optreden was op zaterdag 9 november 2019: Shelter, Shelter, Amsterdam


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