Luke Vibert
8 mei 2014
NaamLuke Francis Vibert
Functie47 × DJ
HerkomstVerenigd Koninkrijk 🇬🇧
Genresacid, electro, techno, trip hop


Luke Vibert was born and brought up in Cornwall. His dad was a crazy Jimi Hendrix fan and then got into punk. His mum preferred Yves Montand and the Beatles. He went to school. His favourite subject is unknown.

Young master Vibert started playing in various bands and basically making a bad noise - he puts the oddness of the 'Cornwall Skool' (contemporaries Aphex Twin and Tom Middleton / Global Communications) down to the fact that they were so far from any metropolitan style police that no one really cared what they made or how it sounded or what you called it.

Spurred on by the success of Aphex, Luke began to think about putting out some of his music. A new label called Rising High contacted Luke - they were looking for new ambient acts so Luke said he was making ambient music (he wasn't). Wagon Christ was born...

Uitgaansagenda Luke Vibert

Laatste optreden was op zondag 15 oktober 2023: G Jones, Red Rocks Park and Amphitheatre, Morrison


geen·in de toekomst
46·in het verleden
geenstemresultaat (1.0553 stemmen)

8 opmerkingen

een echte held
hoop hem nog erg graag een keer te zien
Ja ik ook...jointje r bij!
Artiest {SHOWLIST artist 54210, 58029}
kan niet wachten tot zijn act op STRP!!!
Artiest {SHOWLIST artist 51833, 65138}
Originaliteit ten top (Y)
Veelzijder dan een icosaëder; triphop, hiphop, electronica, disco, dubstep en natuurlijk acid!! Gotta love this man! (L)
AKA Amen Andrews-Barrave/Evil Rave/Screwface/Thameslick (y)
laatste aanpassing