Darien Brito
5 mei 2019
NaamDarien Brito
Functie1 × DJ
WoonachtigNederland 🇳🇱


In a nutshell: I create pieces with sound and image. This means that my practise is motivated and informed by computers and technology in general for the creation of artworks. I could be considered both an artist and a technician, distinction that more and more seems blurred in the field of digital practise. I am fascinated by micro-sound, immersive environments, machine learning and complexity, as in the field that studies how systems with simple rules can create over time complex behaviour. I am interested in an experiential approach to performance, meaning artistic occurrences that are less guided by concepts and based more on sensorial experiences. I am primarily a sonic thinker and later a visual tinkerer.

In parallel, I am a consultant on various programming languages. I build solutions for people with great ideas but that perhaps lack the technical expertise to make them happen.

Uitgaansagenda Darien Brito

Laatste optreden was op zaterdag 18 mei 2019: Hyperfocus, Grey Space in the Middle, Den Haag


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soundcloud Recente muziek