Toon & Raziel
2 maart 2018
NaamCheyne Gauci & Kaicey Coleman
Functie32 × DJ's, groep
HerkomstAustralië 🇦🇺


Born just 4 days apart, the two close friends known as Toon and Raziel began their DJ careers separately in the Sydney rave scene in the early 2000's but with a common love of hardcore.
This passion was evident in both their performances and it wasn't long before their similar tastes brought about a unity.

In the mid 2000's the two began combining forces in more than just the DJ side of things.
With a determination to help push hardcore out of being just a token set at raves the creation of parties such as Marvel, Reactor and Aftermath were born.
These proved a major influence in taking hardcore and it's darker sub-genres out from obscurity and into a headliner sound of the local Sydney scene.
These parties helped bring many hardcore internationals and labels onto Australian shores for the first time and are still held in high esteem by those who were there to witness them.

Uitgaansagenda Toon & Raziel

Laatste optreden was op zaterdag 24 september 2022: Alpha Empire, Metro Theatre, Sydney


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