Cinema Royale
17 september 2012
NaamArne Visser
Functie129 × DJ
HerkomstNederland 🇳🇱
Genresdisco, funk, house


Cinema Royale is an obsessive record collector whose passion for sharing timeless music has brought him where he is today. The man known to his mother as Arne Visser is definitely not a genre snob; instead he's a master in blending a diversity of genres, always aiming to knit together a mesmerising soundtrack.

As such, he is able to spin in a wide array of settings where he selects quality music to set for the perfect mood, effortlessly striding from Boogie, Disco, Eighties, Afro, Brazil and voluptuous dance vibes, blended in a flawless way you never experienced before. The man's seamless mixing ability is second to none in the modern era where most youngsters can barely beat match, and it is for this reason that he has been booked all over the globe to play clubs, festivals, art events, corporate parties and fashion shows.

Uitgaansagenda Cinema Royale

Laatste optreden was op zaterdag 18 mei 2024: Palet, Lofi, Amsterdam


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