Bert de Rooij
26 december 2013
NaamBert de Rooij
Functie163 × DJ
AliasBert Bert
Lid van groepenElderveld House & Juxtapose
HerkomstNederland 🇳🇱
Genresfunk, house, techno, trip hop


Bert de Rooij is one of those DJ's that despise pigeonholing to an extreme. Having a background in both hip-hop and techno, Bert was always drivin by the sound of bass. Picking up the more minimal sounding techno in the mid 2000s, Bert quickly fell in love with this stripped down, basic, but still intricate rhythm.

Bert kept on diversifying and started to listen to a lot of jazz, indie and electronica. Combining all of these styles in his DJsets, Bert really started to stand out from the crowd. His unique sound earned him a spot as a resident at his own optiek-nights in Trouw Amsterdam and the Source festivals. Next to that he co-founded 8Bahn and played in Melkweg, Paradiso, Doornroosje, Club 11, and nummerous others.

Nowadays Bert is putting a lot of energy into his own concept called Juxtapose. A platform which not only hosts parties, but also focusses on sharing all kinds of music with as many people as possible.

Uitgaansagenda Bert de Rooij

Laatste optreden was op zaterdag 4 oktober 2014: Juxtapose, Luxor Live, Arnhem


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