Forumonderwerp · 1156902
Werkzaam bij Core Science
Artiest {SHOWLIST artist 74352, 77596}
Datum 12-4-14

Locatie walhalla deventer

Damage 3,00

Genre's Crossbreed,Hardcore,Industrial Hardcore,Speedcore,Terror

Line Up

Red menace vs Black Death
Dual Resonators vs outrage
Speedcore Terror Kinetic LIVE
Vaque entity LIVE
Black Death Live

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About our Tour-stop at Walhalla:

Red-Menace, it'll be his first performance. But he already has some great productions! To support him Black Death will do a Vs.

Dark Connection, two guys who share the same passion for the harder styles. Together on stage, they're the prefect team. Uptempo hardcore in a fresh mix!

Dual Resonators with MC Omen. Gino "technical brain" is behind the producing and Jeffrey is more known for his mixing skills. They're busy working on their own sound and are trying to show their love for music to the crowd!!

Carpenoctum, started to produce experimental harder music. Early in 2012 I started to produce and mix way better then I did before. I got better and better, made some good sounding DJ-sets which resulted in 3 bookings in 2013. And here he is in 2014!

Hellcreator, started in 2010 as a resident DJ at live on stage. Hardcore, Terror and Break-core are part of his music. He plays with vinyl and CD's but also with laptop and midi to put his own tracks to the test.

Speedcore Terror Kinetic, they have proven to be a force not to be reckon with. Some thought they were dead and gone, but they have been working behind the screens. They are back and Harder/Faster/Better than ever!

Vague_Entity, he is pretty indefinable. He's an outsider just like us, an Outside of the Box-er that is, doing his own thing! He keeps it real, and works hard! And does LIVE live-acts!

To sum him up: Psalms 33:3 - Play{s} skilfully with a loud noise.

Black_Death, became known under his alias SL! But is working hard as Black Death, to get to the top. Out of the Box is his style, no boundaries

We hopen jullie te zien op het feest, Hoe meer Zielen hoe meer vreugd

Wie weet tot dan

The Saw Blade Records Crew.
Mc Ballenbreker is aan de line-up toegevoegd :)
Dit word een mooie fiske!
Time table

Timetable for Noise Pollution at Walhalla:
Black Death & Red-Menace | 20:00 - 20:45
Dark Connection | 20:45 - 21:30
Dual Resonators vs. Outrage | 21:30 - 22:15
Carpenoctum | 22:15 - 22:45
Hellcreator | 22:45 - 23:30
Speedcore TerrorKinetic | 23:30 - 00:00
Vague_Entity | 00:00 - 00:30
Black_Death | 00:30 - 01:00