Forumonderwerp · 1134597
last night at the one of illegal New York parties tryed 2Ci . so psychedelic. NYCs drugs are best (even though mdma here sucks) anyone else tryed 2Ci ?
No, but i did drove a 2Cv once..
Yep, but I prefer other 2c's like 2cb. 2CI is the most colourful and stimulating 2C, but imo it lacks 'depth'. The experience is too 'easy' and the feelings are trivial.

I like 2CI's on partys though. How much mg did you take?
25mg twice at night. + some weed +mdma at the begining that didnt work =) i had my most psychedelic experience ever
laatste aanpassing
smarties, the c or i or p after, tell ya about the colour, i should advise smart papers/caps 25-inbome, very good for your mood.