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Een beving met een kracht van 5.8 schijnt LA te hebben getroffen.

meer nieuws zou snel volgen
Uitspraak van B van Bart op dinsdag 29 juli 2008 om 21:19:
Een beving met een kracht van 5.8 schijnt LA te hebben getroffen.

meer nieuws zou snel volgen

Werkzaam bij Tryfecta Events
staat gewoon op teletekst, maar wat boeit het
Uitspraak van B van Bart op dinsdag 29 juli 2008 om 21:21:

Ik wist niet dat jij Engels kon:S
je weet wel meer nietr denk.... :P
boeiend, het is maar amerika
LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- A magnitude-5.8 earthquake has struck just east of Los Angeles, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

The quake's epicenter was about 2 miles southwest of Chino Hills and about 5 miles southeast of Diamond Bar, the USGS said. Chino Hills is about 30 miles east of downtown Los Angeles.

The center was about 7.6 miles deep. In general, earthquakes centered closer to the Earth's surface produce stronger shaking and can cause more damage than those further underground.

A 5.8 magnitude quake is considered by the USGS to be "moderate," which can cause slight damage to buildings and others structures. About 500 can happen globally each year, the survey says.

"I can tell you that we had a good-sized shake here in the bureau," said CNN Los Angeles Bureau Chief Pete Janos. "It started slowly. It continued on, shaking the bureau pretty well. ... Right now we're just sort of assessing the situation. Nothing fell off the walls ... but there definitely was a shake."

Janos said he has lived in southern California for about 12 years, and "I can tell you this is probably the best one we have had."

He said the quake "picked up steam. At its height, the building was doing some good swaying back and forth." He estimated the quake lasted no longer than about 20 seconds.

"We could definitely feel it on the third floor," said Kara Finnstrom, who was in Hollywood. "That feeling where you scramble to get under something because you know it's large enough -- you wonder what's going to happen next."

A 5.8 magnitude quake is considered by the USGS to be "moderate," which can cause slight damage to buildings and others structures. About 500 can happen globally each year, the survey says.

CNN's Ed Lavandera was at Disneyland in Anaheim, southeast of Los Angeles, with his family and felt the temblor. He said the shaking lasted about 5 seconds.

CNN affiliate KABC is reporting that Disneyland's rides have been evacuated.

Lavandera was standing in line for a ride when he saw the ride's top "shaking back and forth."

You could hear the metal kind of clanging around, and the ride was just ending, so for a moment ... I thought maybe something was wrong with the ride. Then I realized the ride had already stopped moving and the ground was still moving," he said. Did you feel the quake?

iReporter Danny Casler, 28, of Huntington Beach, California, was woken by the earthquake. He had his wisdom teeth removed last week and was at home recuperating from the surgery.

"Everything in the house was shifting back and forth," he said.

Casler said he ran outside, where other neighbors had gathered. "My house was like a fun house," he said. "Everything was moving."

There were no immediate reports of injury or damage in Los Angeles, Los Angeles Fire Department spokesman Brian Humphrey told The Associated Press. San Bernardino County fire dispatch did not have reports of damage, AP said
di 29 jul 2008, 20:57 Aardbeving treft Los Angeles
Dat meldt CNN. Ook in San Diego en Las Vegas was de schok te voelen.

De aardbeving vond plaats rond kwart voor twaalf plaatselijke tijd. Ooggetuigen zagen gebouwen heen en weer bewegen.

Volgens woordvoerder Brian Humphrey van de brandweer in Los Angeles zijn er nog geen meldingen van schade of gewonden in die stad

Uitspraak van Soul Survivor op dinsdag 29 juli 2008 om 21:29:
There were no immediate reports of injury or damage in Los Angeles, Los Angeles Fire Department spokesman Brian Humphrey told The Associated Press. San Bernardino County fire dispatch did not have reports of damage, AP said

Klaar. Volgende topic...
Uitspraak van permanent verbannen op dinsdag 29 juli 2008 om 21:32:
Klaar. Volgende topic...

mijn idee (y)
@ topic opener: slotje????

wist ook niet hoeveel 5.8 is voor t zelfde geld flikkert die hele stad in mekaar :)
mooi, nu de rest van amerika nog
daar heb ik nou echt schijt aan!
Uitspraak van B van Bart op dinsdag 29 juli 2008 om 21:19:
meer nieuws zou snel volgen

valt allemaal mee, schokkendste wat op TV was hier in LA was een geknapte waterleiding bij een supermarkt.
Ik zat net in een attractie van Universal Studio's dacht al dat doen ze goed.
En weer een reden om de olieprijs de toen stijgen?
Uitspraak van actief op woensdag 30 juli 2008 om 09:18:
mooi, nu de rest van amerika nog

Uitspraak van Dre@mc@tcher op woensdag 30 juli 2008 om 20:32:
Uitspraak van B-artistiX op dinsdag 29 juli 2008 om 21:19:
Los Angales

waar ligt dit

bij los angelas rechtsaf
Aardbeving Los Angales
gompieeeeeeeeeeeeeee.. het is LOS ANGELES.
