
No Strings Attached

· An Orchestral Rendition of Dr. Dre Facebook
No Strings Attached
31 oktober 2023
georganiseerd door

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Dr. Dre 2001 AfterpartyPanamavr 3 nov 2023, 22:30

Tickets & prijzen No Strings Attached

Early bird:€ 33,17→ uitverkocht
Voorverkoop 1:€ 38,50→ uitverkocht
Voorverkoop 2:€ 48,83
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Line-up No Strings Attached


No Strings Attached are pleased to present A LIVE Orchestral Rendition of

DR. DRE : 2001

This body of work features so many intricate musical layers, we have brought in one of the UK’s leading Orchestras to perform a complete rendition of the album and some of Dre’s west coast classics from start to finish.

Accompanied by DJ's, singers, and lyricists - this is not your average Orchestral event.

This is no ordinary Orchestral event. Expect a full standing crowd, with performances from various DJ’s, lyricists and singers as well as a full Orchestral Rendition of Dr. Dre’s: 2001 album, followed by other of Dre’s west coast classics.

This is the combination of a traditional Orchestra merging with a modern live hip-hop music event.


Click 'Interested' & TAG 3 friends on the event wall for the chance to win 4 VIP tickets to the event & a £100 BAR TAB!
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