Delicious Deep
3 augustus 2023
georganiseerd door Site

Sotto's (binnen) op de kaart
Ter Kameren 4
schatting: deep house, deep tech

Tickets & prijzen Delicious Deep

Voorverkoop 1:€ 93,15
Voorverkoop 2:€ 125,-
Alle bovenstaande groene prijzen zijn inclusief servicekosten.
Minimumleeftijd?Leeftijdspecificatie is een indicatie.
Twijfel je aan de correctheid, verifieer de correctheid op de website van de locatie of organisatie!

Line-up Delicious Deep


Hello bon-vivants!!

Delicious Deep "Moulin Rouge"

We’ll take you on a journey into the sensual world of the Moulin Rouge, the famous cabaret de Paris.
A visual spectacle with enchanting and surprising acts, performed to sexy house and retro beats, played by Belgium's finest DJs.
A wonderful Sunday afternoon in a breathtaking atmosphere, with a creative artistic show & high-class entertainment.

This year, only one DD-edition at the perfect location and in our familiar surroundings >> Studio S Event Space or the legendary Sotto's @ Zottegem.

It's not the first time we pick out Zottegem, think of our unforgettable editions: “King of my Castle”, “Shaken not Stirred” & the festival edition @ Dance D-Vision.
This location offers us all possibilities to receive you in style: parking, plenty of room, exclusive VIP skyboxes, mind blowing visuals, multicolor lazers, special effects, …
Everything we need to make this another successful edition!
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