
Doka Studio

Doka Studio
28 februari 2023

Doka (binnen) op de kaart Site
Wibautstraat 150

Tickets & prijzen Doka Studio

Voorverkoop:€ 12,55
Deurverkoop:€ 13,-
tot 00:00:€ 10,-
Alle bovenstaande prijzen zijn inclusief servicekosten.
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Line-up Doka Studio

🇻🇪 🇳🇱 house
🇲🇦 🇧🇪 house, latin, afro


Eclectic selectors OJOO GYAL, Narathip and Madba are gearing up for a genre bending night. OJOO GYAL has a knack for blending diverse elements into an engaging and infectious experience. Born and raised in Morocco, and based in Brussels, OJOO GYAL has established a mean reputation for mapping a sound uniquely hers in her meticulous DJing. She will be joined by Rhythmic Culture head honcho Narathip and Madba who will both bless us with their signature bass sound.

‣ Pre-sale – €12,- (incl. service costs):
‣ Limited amount of door tickets available for €10,- before 00:00 & €13,- after
‣ ID check is mandatory
‣ 18
‣ 23:00 - 06:00

Doka is the home base for immersive – sonic –experiences. The underground and intimate sound bar is the place where nightlife, music and other forms of culture blend together.
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