
House Of Love

· Folamour Facebook
House Of Love
4 januari 2023
georganiseerd door

Vicar Street (binnen) op de kaart Site
58-59 Thomas Street
schatting: house
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Line-up House Of Love

🇫🇷 house


Folamour is returning to Dublin on March 28th with his House Of Love show. Tickets available here

House Of Love is Folamour’s new jewel. A label built around one idea: to create an environment for you to dream. House of Love stands for a culture, a state of mind and a shared passion for music. An environment where the sky's the limit and dreams can come true.

This project starts with specific cities and places that have a historical background that share the values of House Of Love.

It is a whole new experience, out of time, where emotions and senses are activated. A safe space to dance and share.

H.O.L's aim is to spread values and a positive message in a festive way, to give an experience that will impact new and old generations. A place to embrace a moment of harmony, goodwill, and madness with a careful selection of music.