
London Calling

· The Ultimate Indie Battle Facebook
London Calling
23 september 2022
georganiseerd door

Ampere (binnen) op de kaart Site
Simonsstraat 21
schatting: rock & roll, indie

Tickets & prijs London Calling

Voorverkoop:€ 15,-
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Line-up London Calling


In the early 2000s, with a few banging riffs and a couple clever lyrics, rock music was brought back to life.
Two decades later, two bands of that era are facing each other in a Showdown of Proper Proportions.
On the one hand, a band NME called "the Saviours of Rock&Roll", on the other, the one they named "Our Generation's Most Important Band".
Who is more worthy of your love and adoration? The postpunkers who started it all, or the britpoppers who took it to another level?
Prepare yourself for the Definitive Rock-Off
2001 vs. 2006, New York vs Sheffield ... The Strokes vs. Arctic Monkeys.

Come down and gather round, bring your lovers and your friends
When two bands battle, the crowd always wins in the end

The Music Will Be Provided By
Live show by

1) New York City Cops - The Strokes Tribute band

2) The Monkeys - Arctic Monkeys Tribute band

1) Olly Ameen (London Calling resident)
2) Brett Summers (AB, De Roma,

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