Tropikali Festival
1 maart 2022
georganiseerd door Site,

NDSM-Werf (buiten) op de kaart Site
NDSM-Plein 28

Tickets & prijzen Tropikali Festival

Early bird:€ 43,-→ uitverkocht
Voorverkoop 1:€ 48,-
Voorverkoop 2:€ 53,-
Minimumleeftijd?Leeftijdspecificatie is een indicatie.
Twijfel je aan de correctheid, verifieer de correctheid op de website van de locatie of organisatie!

Line-up Tropikali Festival


356Facebookbezoekers @ 1 maart 2022
421Facebookgeïnteresseerd @ 1 maart 2022
Let’s transform industrial Amsterdam North on Sunday the 12th of June 2022 into a big queer hot paradise, with a bold twist. A musical journey from Berlin to Rio, with a layover in Beirut.

Tropikali combines your favourite parties Kalinichta, Rosario & Terra Totale. This all on the NDSM-wharf: a big creative hub where you can eat, drink, chill, dance and discover new exotic flora & fauna.

Tropikali is LGBTQ+ oriented, but all truly open-minded allies are welcome. We have an eclectic line-up: from tropical grooves, to balkan beats and other DJ’s, performances and live music from all around the globe. Get ready to be surprised. Stage info below.

We will make sure our event will follow the RIVM health guidelines.

Regular Tickets now on sale (69% sold)
(Super Early & Early Birds: sold out)
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