
Damage Digital House Party Live

Damage Digital House Party Live
2 juni 2020
georganiseerd door Site Site

Line-up Damage Digital House Party Live

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18Facebookbezoekers @ 2 juni 2020
60Facebookgeïnteresseerd @ 2 juni 2020
164Facebookuitnodigingen + geïnteresseerd + bezoekers @ 29 oktober 2020
Due to the current situation, physical parties are not a safe option for the upcoming months so we took it upon ourselves to go digital!

Starting June 13th at 8pm 🇬🇧 / 9PM (CET) with our first Damage Digital house party powered by Mister B Amsterdam .

Our resident DJ William Sizen Bell will be setting the mood live from Manchester UK spinning al your favorite beats to give you the music experience you deserve.

Next to Williams beats, of course the rest of our Damage family will join to party with LIVE performances by your favorite dancers Logan Moore, Dennixx Nijmegen and Karl Bowe .

You don’t want to miss this, of course there will be the possibility to support the performers and dj’s with a tip option on twitch. Since these are hard times for creative self employed performers this is a great way to support them if you can.

No tickets needed the stream is FREE of charge so tell your friends, share and go to

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