
BPM Brutality Livestream

BPM Brutality Livestream
18 mei 2020

Line-up BPM Brutality Livestream

🇩🇪 hardcore
🇩🇪 hardcore
🇩🇪 techno, hardcore


22Facebookbezoekers @ 18 mei 2020
81Facebookgeïnteresseerd @ 18 mei 2020
Stay home, stay safe!

Important to take care of our precious mind and be good to each other. We gonna need it because after this precious time, nothing isn`t the same anymore.

Our underground club life and culture is at stake! We decided to support each other with a collab between H14 and Absolut Hardcore Worldwide with a Hardcore live stream evening by BPM Brutality.

There will also be a donation button, with which we will collect money for the H14, because there will be no income and especially in these difficult times we have to stand together.

Live stream starts at 18.00 HRS sharp with
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